BREV TIL: Charles Ernest Bazell FRA: Eli Fischer-Jørgensen (1955-09-03)




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Dear professor Bazell,

Thank you very much for bhe quick response to my letter of February 6th. Mine has been somewhat slower, first because I did not find it very interesting for you to get my remarks about your article, - it is more a resume than a criticism, then, because 1 was busy, and finally because it has been so hot for two months that I have not done anything at all. how I send you the manuscript all the same, and I include the ms. of my paper from the Linguistic Circle in April on commu- tation, since it deals with problems Mkirck with which you have often been concerned, end since I do not konw when' and where it will be published in a somev.hau revised form ). - I should be glad to have this ms. back within not too long, send the demonstration but I have given a roughiadicatioa. in the phanne <-> thanne [p - t ] explosions of the two words hSve been exchanged-vmd that this dig gulew due [b-d [means that g and d have been exchanged and that this gives the result bule- due etc. -

I could not

margin p. 21-23.

means that the

not make any difference to the ear.

Your fir st letter reached me before the 15/2 - ti e second im- mediately after - or perhaps the same evening. I find your exposi- tion in the ps to 11/2 very good. Have you seen Coserius very interesting book on form and substance? (Forma y sustancia en los sonictos del lenguaje Montevideo 1954). I have not done much this summer, I also had to write an article to the Selmer -festskrift in March (about short and long vowels in Danish- you will get it soon, but it is not very interes- ting), so teat my book on the stops is not yetLx&ady, and probably will not be before the spring, for now comes the Roman Jakobson festskrift; I thought of writing about toolors and vowels, but my material is too big for lo pages ,so probably I shall write about tense and lax vowels.

Best wishes