BREV TIL: Charles Ernest Bazell FRA: Eli Fischer-Jørgensen (1962-02-03)

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Dear professor nazell,

fha/iik you .very much' for your kind letter from January 1961. My health has been improving in 1961, despite a smaller relapse in _\( the summer which prevented me f orn gitfing any leedMfcre at the n^isinki 'V; congress of phonetics, but 1 took part in it and enjoyed being among people again and feeling almost normal, i was also glad to conclude from, the lectures that no great revolutions had take... place in phone- ... . . , - • , - ' ,.{& ) | ties since i stopped reading - But X still invent new ways of get- ting relapses. The last one was tearing a raoio-set down from a shelf on my head when lying in bed inhere i tried xo recover from Knocking my head against a car), ihis happened in December, and i have been in bed for a rather long time, and have not been able xo read, Bo i hud to give up writing the textbook of German Phonetics whicn 1 had hoped to finish in January, before taking up my various studies again, flow i aha .1 have to scixtx write this book in the spring

and cannot

start tay own work until the summer, i had hoped to finish my study on stops in the autumn, and bthen start travelling somewhat about again, r 1963


- But i still #•»

jJut probably i sbal not finish it before next summer: hope that some time i. shall be able to come to London.

1 had an invitation for the Linguistic Bummer Institute in Beattie "L **& ft this sumner, but I have refuse**.and i am not going to tne congress in Cambridge.

But i enjoy being at home too. x have bought a house ,i tn a garden ,near the woods and lakes to the north oi Copenhagen . i hope to see you t ere some time in the future. With best wishes for the New

i ear

