BREV TIL: Charles Ernest Bazell FRA: Eli Fischer-Jørgensen (1957-09-30)

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Dear Bazell, I am slowly digging ray way through tny heap oi' unanswered letters. Among others i fo .md one from you. As it was not dated, I may assume that il got it yesterday. - fou asked me whether 1 had seen your answer to spitzer. - 1 have neither seen opixzers attack nor your answer. A'here nas it oeen pud- lished? I bad hoped to meet you xn Oslo, nut perhaps you were on your way from Turkey to London. The congress was much oetter than the one in Paris, and it is also said to be much oetter than the London congress. It was well organized, ztad the weather was fine , and there were many nice people. As for the communications and discussions, tit find part less essential, ad 1 generally fall asleep xn the middle of it, and it is much better to read it afterwards. But there were some good com unications. x went almost directly from India to uslo. a X do not remember whether 1 have told you mat 1 was xuvioea xo teacn at the linguistic Summer oeho.xi xn Jahra nun (ix is a rockefeller programme, sponsored by the Lingu Stic Society of India), x was there z'eq in nay arid June, ana in July 1 travelled about in india. - It was very hot, too hot for me, and 1 got very closely acuaninted with medical science in India but all the same it was very interesting, and l liked the people very much.


Martinet has been here in September , giving lectures on indo- european Phonology. It was somewhat disappointing. He was better when he was young. I met Coseriu at the Congress. he is very intelligent, but, he knows it too well.

I hope you like your new job.

Best wishes

fours sincerely


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