BREV TIL: Charles Ernest Bazell FRA: Eli Fischer-Jørgensen (1956-05-04)

4/5- 56

Dear Bazeii, Thank you fox your lettex from 26/4. - I tad. indeed noticed that hjelnaslev's example was a good example of incompatibility, I simply foundi it too evident to mention it. - I agree with what you say about the possibility of stating paradigmatic relations without involving syntagmatic relations in the statement. I also found Whitfield’s review too begative. What I said aboui Martinet’s leaving émexica were not facts , but more or less loose suppositions. r>ut as far as I know, it was indeed Roman Jakobson who got Martinet to Arne- rma. - By the way hove you seen the last book by Jakobsoa and Haile ; "Fundamentals of Language" ? I have just started reading it.

We are getting a nice Institute for Linguistics and Phonetics now. And I have spent a good deal of my time this winter buying furniture and deciding about colours of walls and doord etc. I think it will be fine, and quite unconventio- nal .

Best wished

Yours sincerely