BREV TIL: Charles Ernest Bazell FRA: unsure (1955-11-12)



Dear orofes°or Bazell

I should ve glad to get my manuscript back very soon. 1 am missing it. - Ahan.k you for your letter from September t h 9 . - In your argument about semantic sub- stance etc. you seem to assume tnat it is irn- possible to distinguisn things ixki of which one does notxsa know the name. -But it is cer- tainly possible to distinguish e.g. a great num. ber of flowers without x.nowing their names, and - when studying e.g. an In-ion language one might find out that two different flowers had. different xrxfcjftsxsaxR names, e.g. that their, were two contents and two expressions, without knowing the Corresponding expressions in English or without there being; any corresponding expres- sions at all in other languages, ihen if one taxes thb two flowers and ask :"Havc they differ rent names?"- is that not commutations test starting from the content?


Yours sincerely