BREV TIL: Charles Ernest Bazell FRA: Eli Fischer-Jørgensen (1960-12-20)






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Dear Dr.Baaeli,


It's time that I answer your letter from march 1958. I have really succeeded in surpassing Daniel Jones who once/.anen he talked about ail the letters he had not answered, added; Burtfl don't think : 1 have any two year ones at the moment! The reason is? that 111

was very busy m the summer 58 and that 1 have been ill from October 58 until! now. as you may have heard,! got a concussion of the brain

and have been unable to work for a very long time, l am now recove- ring and i have started giving courses and looking /to my administr— tive work uiit 1 have not yet started writing ana cannot read too much. All the material which I had hoped to get published about X-mas- time in 19 5w is still lying in a big heap, l should howevér be glad to have an off-print og the article by Robins which you men- tioned in your letter from 58. I have not seen the "Studies in Din- guistic analysis" which you mentioned in your letter, -are there any articles oh phonemics in that volume? In that case 1 must try to get hold of it. 1 suppose you had something to do varth the invitation i got last year to give lectures in London. I should have been very glad to come, but it was not possible at that time, ana 1 think 1 must still wait a little before I go abroad giving lectures. But I hope it will be possible some time in the future. I managed to get my textbook of phonetics out in a new edition this summer. I don't remember whether 1 sent you a copy or not. 1 had only a restricted number, but 1 might be able to get one if I didn't seriid you one.

Best wishes xor A-maS and

i hope you enjoyed

the new year.

Yours sincerely

Bli fischer-Jørgensen
