BREV TIL: Francis James Whitfield FRA: Vibeke Hjelmslev (1970-10-01)

Ordruphøjvej 40, October 1, 1970.


Dear Frank, I wrote you a note from Paris, you may not have got it as the adress was not quite correct. It was the result of a conference with Les Editions de Minuit about a reprint or rather a new edition of rrolegomena. At the same time I wrote to Togeby because he had suggested that Niels Ege should revise thel. edition. Togeby answered as follows: Jeg synes,%man må gøre forsøget om man kan rette i Prolégomenes uden at sætte hele bogen om. Det skulle vel bestå å, at man principielt laver et fotografisk genoptryk, men ændrer nogle linjer hist og her. Ja, jeg synes, den bedste løsning er, hvis man faa Ege til at finde de ste- der, der skal rettes. Og det ville være glimrende, om man også fik en rettelsesli- ste fra Vi-hit field. Jeg skal med fornøjelse påtage mig at udforme selve rettelserne og prøve at få dem til at fylde det, de skal hver gang.

I pointed out to Lindon, that there were several mistakes in the first edition and he is just as interested as ve are, that a new French edition should be without fault. Teh question is whether a complete revision is necessary, which would mean, the the book is out of print for 12 months and then the sales-possibilities are vast- ly diminished or whether the mistakes can be corrected in the way Togeby suggests in the letter copied above. Eli is meeting Niels Ege to-aay and would ask him, if he has time to do the re- vision, Spang Thomsen who knows French pretty well is out of the question, as he ana Togeby can not be in the same room together! Do you think Una knows enough French to do the job? Could you without too much trouble find the mistakes you have noted and send them to me. In my letter from Paris I asked you to send them to Lindon, but as Togeby is willing (as always !) to help I think it will be more convehient if we have them here. I am afraid that I as so often before "abuse de votre amitie, if I may fall back to the tongue, I have used for the last weeks. Ve had some marvelous weeks in Paris in the most wonderful weather and visited and revisited many of the things I love. I hope you are both well and send you and Celina my love.