BREV TIL: Louis Hjelmslev FRA: Hans Jørgen Uldall (1949-08-01)« pr§- .,71

Tucuman, 1/8/49.

hort- ]yh

Dear Hjelmslev, % Danish typewriter has gone wrong, so I'm having to write to everybody in English. Thank you for the note about Swadesh, which reached me this evening. I'm particularly interested, partly because I know Swadesh personally, and partly because what you call "City College of New York" must be the same institution that Bertrand Russell calls "College of the City of New York", and which threw him out in 1940 (cf. title nage of An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, London, 1940). If I am right about this, Swadesh is partly to blame for getting himself mixed up with such a place (just as I am to blame for being here!): this college, whatever its name is, should clearly be boycotted. Perhsos the Americanist Congress will do something about it in September. I shall try to get the Circulo Linpuistico here to add its protest to yours. (This is a very feeble affair founded by me and devoted, so far, to listening to me talking about glossematics. It hss four members) Betsy is with her 'family in the States, Buster is leavinp for Denmark at the end of this week and will * come to see you in September. Betsy has got a job at the University of Edinburgh, and I'm hoping to get one too but have not yet had a definite reply; if I do, I she. 11 go there early in October. I'm also honing to go to the Americansit Congress in New York in September, but I'm afraid that is a pretty slim chance. I have, in any case., resigned my job here, but if I'm not going to Edinburgh, I shall have to stay on till the bitter end, i.e. the 28th February. What has happened about your afhandling about the participative system? If it hasn't been printed yet, couldn't you send me a carbon copy? I need it badly. And what is going on about Acta Linguistica? Do write me a letter. I didn't answer yours about Daniel Jones and the IPA because I know from long and bitter experience that it is no use trying to do anything about it. Love to Vibeke. Yours very sincerely, [KJLP+jJL, ,