BREV TIL: Elizabeth Anderson Uldall FRA: Louis Hjelmslev (1941-09-22)

Louis Hjelmslev, PhD, Professor in the Univer- sity of Copenhagen, 227 Strandvej, Charlottenlund (Denmark). September 22, 1941

Mrs. A. T. Anderson, 918 W. 22 Str., Kearney, Nebraska, U.S.A.

Dear Mrs. Anderson: I have lost connection with your son-in-law, my fellow countryman and scientific collaborator H. J. Uldall, who was in Athens when the war broke out. As he is supposed by his family to be in the States by now, and as you are likely to know his •oresent address, I venture to ask you, in order to save time, if you would be kind enough to give him, at the first occasion possible, the following message from me: 1. The theory of language which had been prepared by Uldall and myself will" be published by me in a few.months in a short Danish version« I am taking the responsabilit« of this version myself, and it does not in the least anticipate the larger work which will be published by Uldall when the war is over. -' The theory has developed on some points since our last meeting, but no serious alterations have taken place; only the Procedure is somewhat different. ? In the vear 19one of the chairs 01 English in the University of C»gen will^e sÆhtdVfsooS airconditions permit • we Are' by W provided from aermew with a fine equipment of phonetic instruments. - X should ®|fnes, advise Uldall to prepare for these two chaira. For ’ ® 5 it will be necessary to publish a book on Xlnglis * best thins to do »uld be to give in the manuscript to the Uni Sot ieoessaS? l2rti“ly leave the rfsWW choice of the special srtjectto^ treated to Uldall himself, but I ju«"* nations of Snglish as a sub j ect suitable for ttejurpose^st^ mental research is not necessary. It _ " have the manuscript finished till the war n _ „-»cent *nd I should be very WWBKItftf Tms message is J- -> > would you kindly at the same grateful to you for passin0 kind'greetings from my wife and trouble I am giving you.

Yours truly.