Uddrag fra Semantics. Scope, Definitions, Methods, [Nice1951] 046-0630

So the meaning of a word is not a greatest cannon divisor, nor is it a least, common multiple. The meaning of a significant ha3 a more or less definite number of aspects (referential or, and atti- tudinal). xcept for special cases in each separate speech situation aras: sæL at vierne ate ax. safififita sues. toalJtaalng & clue for ‘ the hearer. In some situations or combinations even none of them. /n example is obligatory rection of a definite grammatical category by a preposition, a noun, or a verb, or any other word, e.g. the ab- lative case in urbe. flg. urbe., ex urbe. or gender, number and cas of tøaanai in fcoagcun Isateanaa* or the ablative in mi aiadia in latin. Here the grammatical categories, which certainly have meanings of their own, are functioning as mere indicators of syntactic rank, ’ as marks of determiners.