Uddrag fra Semantics. Scope, Definitions, Methods, [Nice1951] 046-0610

sentence), or implied by the word itself, e.g. an interjection : Ouch ! or i Yes. No. Attitudinal are also statements and questions, e.g. the attitudinal actor-action construction he comes, as opposed to the merely referential actor- action construction (i wantT him to come, or birds sing as opposed to singing birds Compare my paper STRUCTURAL LINGUISTICS AND SYNTACTIC LAWS, Word 5,1—12, esp.4-5, where I called them objective And subjective meanings. See also my book STRUCTURELE SYNTAXIS, 1949, Register sub "Betekenis". In matter of language, as opposed to speech, the first aim should be to establish the structure of the system of all words of the given langage, i.e. the structure of the system of word classes, with its subdivisions. Compare my paper STRUCTURAL LINGUISTICS AND WORD CLASSES, in Lingua 1,427-500 (1948), esp.468- 472 and 484-487. By "all words" is to be understood also compounds and inflec- ted words, not only the so-called vocabulary as it figures in dictionaries. A.W. DE GR00T