Uddrag fra Propositions, [Nice1951] 046-0070

•Juncture seems always to be privative t an isolated unit has open juncture with surrounding zero. (fence open juncture is the u marked pole of the opposition« »* return to the semantic relation cited above. This relation is obviously asymmetric. It can also be described as privative, since the terms most normally in isolation (o.g. impersonal v r'bs) are proeoeeftve and not agental, other ter a 'being neither. The relation thus comes the heading of "prominence". (Though its definition is purely structural, the term answers wen enough to our instinctive feeling that the pre* dieate is mere prominent than the subject, that the object possessed rather than the possessor is the '’centre of attention" in gonitival constructions, and so on. But it must be not d again that such terms as predicate and genitive do no belong to this level of analysisj they have semantic relevance but no -emantie status)*