BREV TIL: Bohumil Trnka FRA: Louis Hjelmslev (1935-11-18)

8 KnudRasmussensveJ

Aarhus 1November, 1 $55

Dear Professor Trake, I have taken the liberty of sending you my book "la oatégorie des casn I which has Just been published. I do not know if you take very much interest in general grammar, but it is the only thing I can offer you for the time being. My Pho- nematics will appear later on, and I shall not forget to send you a copy. I should be very thankful to receive in return you book on the phonological system o# Modern English. I read it very rapidly in London, but I should be very glad to be able to study it more thoroughly end to use it for my publication on Phoneme.tics.

Yours very sincerely,