BREV TIL: Thomas Albert Sebeok FRA: Louis Hjelmslev (1960-07-30)


Professor# Thomas Å# Sebeok, HStel d*Ien&,ø 28 avenue d'Iena, Paris ( XVIe ) (Seine) (France). Dear Tom, X just received the volume of American Studies in Ural- ic Linguistics, and although I hesitate to bother you with a letter during your European Odyssey, I should like to thank you personally for it immediately, and to congratulate you upon the Uralic anc Altaic Series which you are starting with this volume^ that presents itself so magnificently. I have just been able to throw a first glance at your own paper, Eigihteen^Century Cheremist The Evidence from Pallas. Apart from your publication and treatment of the ptrictly marl material, your introduction and notes give a very valuable contribution to the history of linguistics and furnish facts and references that are not very well known. The topic Interests me particularly because you are deal- ing with the materials on which Rasmus Bask was working, and my Rrsk studies have taken me to go through the sources you are mentioning. I may have told you so earlier, per- haps on the receipt of your publication, together with Raun, of the SocineniJa of 1775. If you think so, we might go through Rask*s notes on marl on a later occasion; I shall be unable to do it now. I hppe that you are having a nice trip, anc send our very best greetings to all of you from us both. As ever,

Louis Hjelmslev

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