BREV TIL: A. D. Parkinson FRA: Louis Hjelmslev (1935-01-31)

8 Knud Ras tsus s enevej , Aarhus (Denmark)„ January 31st, 1933,

Miss A.'D. Parkinson

Department of Phonetics University College L o n d o n, W. C. 1.

Dear Madam, Enclosed I send you the form for membership of the Second International Congress of Phonetic Sciences and ray membership fee of £> 1 sh. 10. I høg to inform you that I desire to read a paper entitled: On the Principles of Phonematice. As the paper has not yet been definitely worked out, I regret that I am not able to »end you a resume now; but it will follow as soon as possible.

My paper is intimately connected with that presented by Mr. He J. Uldall, both of them being founded upon a phoneme theory which we have worked out together. So we should be glad if the two papers cpuld be read in the same session.

Yours respectfully