BREV TIL: Otakar Vočadlo FRA: Louis Hjelmslev (1947-04-15)

15 April 1?47

Professor 0. VoA&dlo, 56 Legerova, Prague XI.

Dear Professor Vo^adlo, X tale the liberty of introducing to you Dr. Theodore Jorgenson, Professor at St. Olaf College, Korthfield, Mirme- sota. Dr. Jorgenson is in Denmark by now, but is going to Prague in a week or t'vo. He is a Norwegian American and is a friend of my friends in America; he is in .Europe studying reconstruction. He has no particular connections in Czech©- Slovakia, and has asked me for references; I should be very obliged to you for anything you can do for him, particularly for Introducing him to féiser personalities h& v/ould like to meet. I hope to see you when I come to Prague in May. Best wishes,

Yours sincerely.