BREV TIL: Daniel Jones FRA: Louis Hjelmslev (1936-07-12)

Dear Professor Jones, Our Faculty has decided to Invite you to give one lecture or a few lectures In our University in the beginning of the month of September, immediately after the Congress in Copen- hagen, I have been authorized to bring you this invitation, and I hope very much that you will do us the honour to accept it. Of course you will hive to choose the subject yourself, but I think a problem of general phonetics would be pnrticu- larly suitable, four audience will not consist of students only. The University will be able to pay your travelling ex- penses from Copenhagen to Aarhus and back and to offer you a modest compensation. The journey from Copenhagen to Aarhus is easy: 8 hours by boat (during the night) or 5 hours by train. I am looking forward to seeing you in Copenhagen, and I hope very much that I shall have the hosour of receiving you in Aarhus. Yours very sincerely.

Professor Daniel Jones, University College, Cower Street London W.C.1.