BREV TIL: Louis Hjelmslev FRA: Roman Jakobson (1945-12-15)


December 15,45 My dear Louis• - After last summer s postal-card from you/in reply to my cable/ I sent a long air-mail letter,but so far have not received any word from you.Simultaneously I wrote Rosaly Brondal,but from her also no answer as yet.As I dontinue to receive announcements from your lin- guistic circle still addressed to the Department of Anthropology,I suspect that my letters have not reached Kopenhagen at all.At all events,I repeat the cardinal points of my previous letters 'and am impatiently looking forward to an answer this time. 3 years ago we founded here the Linguistic Circle of New York,and this year we have begun to publish /in English and French/ its review Word. We cordially invite you as well as your friends and collaborators to participate in the reviw with articles on any subject and par- ticularly if connected with general linguistics. I urgently ask you to send for publication in.our review a survey or Danish linguistic life during the last 5-6 years./ fosses,publications,perio- dica,linguistic societies and academic institu- tions,pending projects/.Our Circle unites the ling\iists of New York and vicinity* and one of its chief tasks is a closer contact between lin- guistics of both hemispheres.The president is ( Henri Muller /Columbia/,vice-president Louis Drey and Myself.I am Visiting-professor of Comparative Linguistics at Columbia and Professor of General Linguistics and Slavics at the Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes.Please let me know the address of Helge Paulsen and ask him as to the fate of our joint-work we were doing for the Rask Foundati- on and the photostats of the old Russian Manus-


cript in question.I should very much like to resume and finish this work in the nearest futu- re.I will he particularly glad to have a letter from him. v Svata is teaching Czech in both above-mentiormed Unive sities.Both of us ;ere happy to learn that you with your whole family / whom we allways tenderly recall/ are in good health,and we hope tos see you all the the en- suing year.How is Holger Pedersen? Hearties? regards to him,to the Uldals and all the friends. Heartily yours </vn