list of names, [STRATA] 139-0290



G. Loros and slant;

Structural linguistic#; plurality of criteria an Ufiallty Problems aSiuantiqnes do la reconstruction.

Charles Basel!, Istanbul

li i:llw Senvenlate, Collate da Prance

docent development# in instrumental phonetic«. Structure and distribution.

Pierre Deiafctre, Denver

y.elli.j Harris, Culversity >t Pennsylvania Arulré Hauurleourt, Paria

Probl&ne# phonologic a&s <1« la reconstruction aweo r&férehee au proto-ohlnois do Karlgren. So; ;e f ;4Ulasiental point of glossmutic theory. dinar!ty.

Louia Hje Lus-lev, Copen}ingen

iiotaan Jakobsen or Morris Halle, •Cambridge, Maas. defay Kuyylowioz, Cracow Lhemlte, Paris André M- rtinet, Colombia Antonio Tovar, Salamanca Hans Vogt, Oslo bolter von v.artburg, Basle liulon Wells, Yale

he rflle de l1*analogic. Lea loia linguistique# de Vinogradov. Introduction: The unity of Lingulatica. Linguistics and Prehistory. Contact do longues. tin type dialectal: 1* franoa~proven;;al. Problems of mailing.

v/n, (p '
