BREV TIL: unsure FRA: James Wilson Bright (1961-01-31)

31 January 1961 Staff Members* Departments of Romance and Germanic Languages Betts Hall The conversion of listening rooms (Batts 6* 8, 10* 12) to the audio-active operation is now completes The rooms will b© available for the us© of students beginning Monday* 6 February«, In the four rooms there are sixty-seven positions* booths equipped with earphones* microphones* and a panol with a selector switch* Although it is eventually hoped that all thirteen of the possible channels can bo used* only six channels (numbers 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* and 10) can be employed full-time noxv because of the lack of proper equipment in the control room* Beginning in the fall semester (with the purchase of four additional automatic players for the control room) it is hoped that ton channels' can be offered full-time,, In addition to the six channels to be employed now full-time* Mr* Hendricks has agreed to offer two "call* channels (numbers 3 and 4)a that is* should a programs not be offered* a student may call from one of the listening rooms* or an instructor may arrange ahead of time* for a program«, Unfortunotely* a schedule of programming into the audio- active rooms must be arranged because of tho restricted number of channels now available* This would probably be so* even should all thirteen channels bo usable* In any case*'a schedule of programs will be posted (and distributed among the staff) before next Monday* In order to get full and efficient use of the audio-active rooms* and to insure a more facile and expedient use of tho lab in Baits 234* it is recommended that you urg© your students particularly those in 406 and 407 classes* to acquaint themselves thoroughly with the current tape in tho audio-active booths before going to the lab to record their responses* As you undoubtedly know* students cannot record in the audio-active booths they simply listen and repeat* hearing their own repetitions clearly over the earphones0 The schedule to ba distributed will necessarily be a tentative one« Experience with the new operation will doubtless teach us to o,rrange a more preferable use of the booths™ Your cooperation* and your suggestions* will be welcomed* If you would like to get acquainted with the new installation yourself * please drop in to room 6 on Friday* 3 February«, If vou have any questions* please see the undersigned In Batts £12«, A„ Leslie Willson Director* Language Labs