Addition, [5-61] 115-0070

hoc is Kjel 3lcv vilos'.) matics and Contemporary Linguistic Theory

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Addition to Tape Record of Second Lecture (end) (transferred from Hecture)

Glosseraatic theory (in accordance with thethoory of the Linguistic Circle of Prague) (and in contradistinction to certain modem lin- fuistic theories) recognizes syncretisms as such* A syncretism '•neutralization**) is the result of a suspended commutation* in Danish, £ and b are commutables, witness paere ’pear, bulb' j baere 'wear, carry' T~this commutation is sxispended at the end of a syl- lable, resulting in the syncretism g/b, as in the word which in or- thopcraphy is written kop 'cup', but may be pronounced with /-p/ or

is an obligatory representative of the syncretism: liiglish tots with -a, dfgz with -z. It can be seen from this ending occurring in free position (after"a vowel), e.g. aiz ("eyes"),that its "ideal form" is ™ J •# Kr'c+.o1' la aarlil an *