Uddrag fra Program, [Antrop] 071-0040

man and a Secretary, but will elect other officers at its first session, who will act (with the Chairman and Secretary) as the Sectional Committee. A. Physical Anthropology. (a) Anatomical and Biotypological Anthropology. Chairs man: Prof. H. M. Housjensen. Main subjects of diss cussion: Mutual Relations, and Affinities of Fossil Man; Methodology; The Conception of the “Race” in Anthropology. (b) Physiological and Hereditary Anthropology. Chairs man: Prof. Oluf Thomsen. Main subject of discuss sion: Geographical Propagation of Human Blood Types and their Presence in the Animal Kingdom. B. Psychology. Chairman: Prof. Edgar Rubin. Main subject of discussion: Influence of Civilization Factors on Character. General discussion with Section F on the subject of Cultural Changes. C. Demography. Chairman: Mads Iversen, Dr. rer. pol. Main subject of discussion: Population Movements seen especially from the View of Birth and Mortality. D. Ethnology. Chairman: Prof. Gudmund Hatt. Main subject of discuss sion: Origin and Development of Agriculture and the Raiss ing of Cattle; Origin of Cultivated Plants and Domestic Animals. E. Ethnography. (a) Ethnography and Folk=lore of Asia. Chairman: C. G. Feilberg, Curator of the Museum. Main subject of discussion together with Section E (b): The Nomas dicsPastoral Peoples of Asia and Africa. (b) Ethnography of Africa. Chairman: Mr. Carl Kjers* meier. Main subject of discussion: see Section E (a). (c) Ethnography of America. Chairman: Professor Frans Blom. Main subject of discussion: The Interrelation between the Central American Civilizations and those of North and South America.