BREV TIL: Francis James Whitfield FRA: Louis Hjelmslev (1955-09-14)

9/40 September 14, 1955.

Professor Francis J. Whitfield, 500 The Alameda, Berkeley 7, Calif. (U.S.A.).

Dear Frank, I am frightfully sorry.that I have not been able to reply more promptly to your letter of May the 2.3th. I am glad to know that Bernard Bloch has asked you to review for language Siertsema's Studies of Glosserne tics. I think, incidentally, that I agree with you in what you are saying about her book. As you may have gathered from the book, Miss Siertsema managed to stay just a short time in Copenhagen, asking me several questions before publishing her book, but in many respects I should have liked her to be better prepared. As for the question you are asking me, I can only give my full consent, and xi it will be absolutely agreable to me, if you defend the insertion on pages 23 to 29 in the translation. It seems to me quite incomprehensible that the author has concluded that this must be a slip and has carelessly been inserted in the English translation, considering that it is stated in your translators note that the author has given his consent even to minor changes. Although you state in your letter that it is not your intention to do so, you are perfectly free to mention my agreement with you in this matter, i£ case you would like to do so 6n second thoughts in your review. In any case I am very much looking forward to seeing your review and to know more about your opinion concerning Miss Siertsema*s book, upon which I am looking for my part with very much hesitation.

With cordial greetings forget Cyrill and Shadow;

from us both to you and Mrs. Whitfield (not to Yours ever

Louis Hjelmslev