Uddrag fra Categories of conjugational morphemes, [whitfield] 015-0240

Rischel suggested that this might have to do with the distinction between con- stituonts and exponents. Spang-Thomsen thought it possible in principle to state the presence of an ad- jactive in any syntagm, if it proved to be pertinent to the description of the language analysed* W thought that introducing on element for the convenience of description, and then to prove its presence was a vicious circle* S-T thought that for Hj* this is not a vicious circle, since the units found by analysis are created by the analysis itself (they axe not claimed to have any existence previous to or independent of the analysis)* Thiesen remarked that in Hj8s example ®sunt* may be added, and present tense, and the other content elements would still be there, whereas a similar process could hardly be thought of in the case of 8 a man8 without any adjective* Hendriksen thought that the commutation test was primarily a question of identifying the different units. Elsohel thought that one point in Hj*s argument would be that *Omnia praeclara rara8 is a sentence (to which you may add, say, '‘sunt0) whereas »Omnia praeclara rara8 might be found as, say, the subject of a aentence, where the two adjectives might be replaced by other adjectives, or omitted, but 8sunt* could certainly not be addedo