Welcoming paper, [1960ICLMP] 065-0130


Wgteftg. lo Lagunita Court

Summer j, I960

OFFICE; The summer Director*-, Mrs. Ruby Hughe«,, and her staff are eager to make you as comfortable ae possible. Any questions or requests you may have can be taken to the Lagunita office to the right of the entry way. The receptionist at. the switchboard desk will also serve you*, as well as Mrs. Traina*, the housekeeper,, whose office is at the end of Naranja, Roan ASolUNfriENTSs Lagunita Court consists of six separate living areas called casas and a large dining room at the end of the court. Each room number carries the letter of its casa such as M 176 means Magnolia 1?6„ ToLaPHuNEa The Lagunita switchboard will be open from ??00 a.m. to 11;00 p.m. The number of Lagunita is Davenport 6-2200, Each room vd.ll be buzzed for a phono call or a caller. One ring means a telephone sail is waiting for you on the house phone in your corridor. Two rings means a caller is waiting for you in the lobby. Answer signals promptly by pressing the buzzer in your room. The switchboard operator when she receives your signal will hold your call or caller for you. There are pay phones for outgoing calls and telegrams located in each corridor. Messages may be left for you in the notebox on the switchboard counter. It is suggested that you cheek it regularly. After 11;00 p.m. the emergency number for the Director Is Davenport 3-5009. Alsop in case of emergency after 11;00 p.m. is Davenport 6*5968*, Mr. John Forsberg*, Director of Residences. MAIL; Special delivery latter® are delivered to Lagunita. Other mail will be obtained at the Post Office*, 9sQQ a.m. to 5?00 p.m. or may be received at Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Olnkelspiel Auditorium and Rehearsal Hall will be the only meeting place for this* conference.. This has been reserved for the dates of August 24 through September 2S from 8sQQ a.m, to 6s00 p.m.. lAUwuHYDkl CLEANING,, PRESSING; Twenty-four hour ®r four~day servi.ee will be available Monday through Friday , The laundry bins are located in Adelfas Euealipfco „ Naranja and Magnolia entryways with instructions and price lists. Cleaning is to be brought to the switchboard counter. Laundry facilities within Lagunita Include washers and dryer# located in the basement under Magnolia. Also small laundry rooms are located on first floors of Olivo and Granada. Take dimes with you. CIGARETTES^ COCA COLA., NEWSPAPERSg For your convenience, there are dispensing machines in the passageways off the lobby.

LXNaM artP MalD SERVICE; four rooms will be eJearned once a week. A flag will, be placed in the name plate at your door the day before your room is to be cleaned.


TYPING WJunS; There is one room set aside as a typing room in Adaifa - 1178 and one in Naranja - 169. A sign on the door will help you find the one nearest your room. SOCIAL HuQflS; There is a social room on the first floor of each casa. ’..e hope you will enjoy your leisure and social times in these pleasant rooms. waaLS; The dining hall is located at the end of the court. Breakfast will be served 7:30 to 8:30 a.ra.j lunch 12:15 to 1:15, and dinner from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Service will be cafeteria style0 G00ft.L«Q mni UjJRlikjtaTluN FACILITIES There is a refrigerator located in the package room behind the switchboard. Space is limited but available within reason. An electric plate is in each kitchenette and can be used for making tea or coffee. For safety and the pleasure of others we must request that no cooking be dorse in these kitchenettes„ PuLiGY s The policy of Stanford University prohibits the use of liquor in University buildings- it is a pleasure to be of service to you,, and we hope you enjoy your stay in Lagunita Court

John i£. Forsberg Director of Residences