Uddrag fra International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, [1960ICLMP] 065-0090

SECOND NOTICE An International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Sci- ence will be held at Stanford University, Stanford, California, U.S.A., from August 24 to September 2,1960, under the auspices of the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science. The proceedings of the Congress will be organized into eleven sections. In- vited addresses and symposia will be arranged in connection with most of the sections. The symposium topics are indicated below. 1. Mathematical logic. Symposium on decision problems. Symposium on the notion of recursiveness. 2. Foundations of mathematical theories. Symposium on foundations of set theory. Symposium on metamathematics of algebra and geometry. 3. Philosophy of logic and mathematics. Symposium on contemporary trends in the philosophy of mathematics. 4. General problems of methodology and philosophy of science. Symposium on theoretical and empirical aspects of science. Symposium on models in the empirical sciences. 5. Foundations of probability and induction. Symposium on current views of subjective probability. 6. Methodology and philosophy of physical sciences. Symposium on the role of mathematics in the formulation of physical theories. 7. Methodology and philosophy of biological and psychological sciences. Symposium on alternative approaches to the theory of choice. 8. Methodology and philosophy of social sciences. Symposium on macro and micro economics. 9. Methodology and philosophy of linguistics. Symposium on models in linguistics. 10. Methodology and philosophy of historical sciences. Symposium on the nature of historical explanation. 11. History of logic, methodology and philosophy of science. No symposium.