Uddrag fra Program, [USA] 049-0150

Those coming from the United States may either make their own arrangements or use the services of Thos. Cook & Son. Those not travelling in their own cars should reserve with Cook for transportation from Ithaca to Philadelphia by chartered bus on 31 August. Americans who plan to be abroad that summer may find it convenient to return by the chartered flight described above. Advance Registration Bulletin No. 3, to be mailed in the Spring of 1962, will include a participation form to be filled out and sent to the Secretary before 1 June 1962 together with the Congress fees and payment for the accom- modations and meals in Ithaca. The fee for participants is $12; and for each member of the family accom- panying the participant, $5. Adequate facilities cannot be provided for children under 10 years of age. The Actes of the Congress will be sent to the participants when they are published and will also be put on general sale. Special Note Bulletin No. 3 will be sent ONLY to those who have returned a tear sheet either from Bulletin No. 1 or Bulletin No. 2 BEFORE 15 January 1962. Bulletin No. 3 will contain final participation forms and ad- ditional information about climate, clothing, travel details and mode of payment for accommodations and for payment of the Congress fee.