Dr, pn.il, Svead Raaalfa pay£ologi3K-sooiologiais:a atadier ovar fornoldet aellea aoralea og rettea, asrlig over dea mo- ralase forargelses aatar og leas rolle 1 aaraf aadalivet,/ og atrifferetteaa adviiiliag, nar viaiet nan aava og aaerfceadelae i dea iaCeraacioaale videaaKabaverdea. Da det Ikks er lytcsce- dea naoi nerajenme ac faa de foraødae .nidler til fortaettelaea af iiaae atadier, agter aaa at aeaveade aig til Oalo-"iaati- tattet for aannealigaeade KaltarforaKaiag", og aadertegaede daaa&e videaaiabanaad øaaicer at give leaae neaviaaiag vor til- alataiag og støtte. Sfter de adtalelaer, ler - skriftlig og paa tryfc - foreligger fra aagicyadig aide i adlaadet, baade i de earopsiaKe aovedlaade og i America, fores.omier det oa a- tvivlaoat, at aaaa aooiologiafcs atadiera fortaettelae naa vea- tea at blive af i&fc« riage videaaitabelig betydaiag.
Tae Jaiveraity of C&io«gof Departnent of Political 3ci®aa®# Jaa® 5t 1936, MErtORASDUsl TO THS DIRSCTOR OF TiTS CARLS3SR3 FOaSDATIOR. I aar# »ad aa opportaoity to exaniae ca® aaauacript by Dr. dread Ruaalf ia vniaa a® aa® aoatinaed ala soaolarly raeearca oa ca® relatioa b®cvo®a envy uad criminal lav, lia previous brilliaat rolan® oa Ta® Jagiogay of ta® loda *as diatiaguiaaod oy tae clarity of lta netnodologioal procedure* ta® exaotaesa of its aoaolaraaip aal ta® originality of its findings* It ia aoC too aaoa to 3ay taat Jr* Ruaulf*s moaograpa is a 'nodal of aoaiereneat ia ca® social acieaces. 43 aaoa it ia viaaiag respectful atteatioa. lx ta® Ttaau3cript vaica I aar® just ®xania®i# Or. Raaulf aa3 oxtaadei ta® 3cop® of oi3 r®3®arai®3 aad coafir-aai ca® probability of ta® aypotnesis viicn a® aad so astloaloaaly coastiored ia fa® Jaalouay of ta® loda. dost of ca® uaxa3cript is aa extrsnely critt- ical eraluatioa of secondary aourcaa* bit ta®r® ia also aigaly ori- giaol »owe oa ca® controversial literature of ca® Puritan Rarola- cioa* I aop® taat it »ill b® possible for Or* Raaulf to prooar® vaatarer support ia accessary for tai3 noaunaat to Oaaiaa scaolar- auip. Tais second boot caaaot fail to giv« added anpaaaia aad in- patus to scientific researon oa ta® relation, of lav to ca® oaangia? oiroanataaoes of oollactiy® attiCades.
(sign.) HAROLD D. LA3S*BLL.
Jaa. 25, 1934. Søatlømøa, Uaviag bøøa muon interested ia tus vors done by Dr. 3^aa4 Raaulf 7Ha na vas ia London, aal aaviag sabsøjuøatly pøad aonå of tnø papers bassd upon it talon ao nas sent ®et 1 Vøa- tåre to øsprøss taø aope tnat it may 09 possible for tae Darlsberg Foundation to aelp aim to complete ais atudiøs. I lo ao wicn diffidenoe, for I realise tnat aaay requests for assistance must 00 uo bøfore tao Poaudtatioa, 'dy oxousø mast bø tnat Dr. Ranulf’s researches 993a to 00 of a vary grant interest ail importance• !ø ia 3tuiyiug from a nev angl® a onaptør of taø history of English thought aal social development taø significance of valen ia by ao oeaus yet ae- aaasted. lia scientific equipment aa a sociologist, aad tae detachment vita valen aa la able to approach taø subject - a detachment nardly possible for aa Saglian scholar - give aim peculiar qualifications for dealiag vita it. Ia iavøstigating taø psychology of Puritanism, nø la, to taø beat of my K.novl- ølgø, brea&iag nav ground, Ils conclusions ara striKiug, aal saould exercise, I taiax, a considerable iaflaøacø ia modify- iag traditional interpretations of a seminal period of English history. It vould bø a raal misfortune to scholarship, if aø vørø obliged to aoaadoa ais vorsc before it is carried to 00m- Pletioa.
I an Tours faithfully (sign.) R. R. TAYUS7 . Profeasor of Eoonomic History,
University of London.
4Kopi III« I ■Mil* Wil
Tne London Scnool of Economics and Political Science (University of London) Hougnton Street, Aldwycn, London W. C. 2, F*sb# ZQ f 34« I understand tnat Dr* Svend Ranulf is applying for a grant to enable nim to continue nis reaearcnes in London* I nave mucn pleasure in supporting nis application* From wnat I nave seen of Dr. Ranulf's work and tne impression X formed of nim wnea ne attended my seminar nere, I feel convinced of tne value of nis work and tnat it would be a great pity if ne were prevented from completing it for lack of funds* I trust tnerefore tnat tne Foundation may see its way clear to giving nim tne nelp ne asks for* (sign.) MORRIS GUCTSBERd (Martin Wnite Professor of Sociology)
5Uaiversité de Paria Faculté doa Lettros Paria, lo 29 rnai 1934.
Saaa $tre spocialameat aa noilsniste, M. Svend Ranalf a proavé par soa livra "Tne Jealoaay of tue Gods** qa’il o talt capable do tiror naoaa dsa fcextea groes ane solide docamenta- tioa pour an ouvrago da sociologi©« Jo ao doato pas qae, s* il appliqae sos qaalit^s propres a aao etnde sar La Morale pari- taiao oa Aaglocorro, il ao paisso aoas doaner aao excellente moaagrapnie.
(sign.) GLOTZ
ty, ty
Paris, lo 20 Mars 1934,
Monsieur lo President do la Fondation Carlsberg. Monsiaur lo President* J’ai l'nonneur do vous recommander los ti tres quo jo crois quo Monsieur le Docteur Svend Ranulf pout avoir å la fondation on sa favour d'uao bourse do Sociologio å votro il- lustro Fondation* M* Ranulf a suivi mon enseignement a l’Ecole dos Hautos Etudes (Sorboaus) pendant plusiours années, et publio sa ro- raarquablo tnose sur lo Principe éle'atique de non contradiction
étude important© des fornses arcnalquos do 1*esprit logique*
Mon rogrotté ^ollegae et collaboratour Monsieur Henri
Hubert tonalt également M. Ranulf on estime tros nauto, ot on amitié troe grandes c’ost pour lui quo fut publid lo beau tra-
vail do M. Ranulf sur Dlonyaoa* on raalito sur los elements
aociaux: do l'eaprit dionysiaque. J'ai pu rocommandor aotro ami M. Ranulf a la Rocxefellar Foundation ou il aX écé nommé ot maintonu folio*, Depuis, M. Ranulf a entrepris deux grandes oeuvres, dont l'uae ost eatiéremont publie'ej sur 1*Indignation Morale ot la Jalousie dos Dioux. Cartes, cecte oeuvre ost, quant aux mat«r- riaux, surtout niatoriquo et nollénlato. Maia portant aur dos faita typiquoa, profonds, vaatos,,d'uao doa aeulos civilian- tions bien coanuea, olie a pormis k M. Ranulf d'arrivor a dos conclusions générales ot aociologiques, contomporaines m&mo, extrémament aérieisos, ot originales* L*autre oeuvra k laquolls M. Ranulf travaillo avec con- stance et qui sera sans doute oncoro plus important«, est uao Hiatolre do la Morale puritalno.
7Kopi (fortsat)
Poor acnevor ce dernier travail* if faut a M* Hanulf un assez long séjour a Londres poor fiair do consulter los sources* ot d’aatro part aa assez loag tempa do rédaotioa. Car il a'agit do documents raroa, a arranger aaivaat daa vaoa originales dont jo aaia aa poa lo coafidoat. Poa do sujets goat plaa instructifa pour l'niacoire do aoa notions morales oliaa-mémea, ot plaa dociaifa pour en otablir uno tnoorio pragmatique. Permettez-moi, Monsieur lo President, do voub assuror quo Monsieur Svend Ranulf oat dos maintoaaat ua savaat éraiaent ot quo votro foadation ferait uno oouvro oxtrememant noaorable on lo aouteaaat, memo au milieu do toua loa savanta quo contiont votre illustre pays* Vouillar* Monsieur lo President, agreer 1'expression de mos sentiments do nauto consideration et do sincere dovouement (sign.) MARCEL MAUSS Profossour au College de France Directeur a l'^cole dea Hautes Etudes (Sorbonao) Profossour ot Secretaire General do 1* Insti tut d'Etnnologio de l’Universite de Paris.